aims to position Malta as a quality, creative, tech-savvy country, and promote Malta as a suitable set-up for foreign direct investment, whilst also promoting the local technological industries abroad. shall be instrumental in taking the Technology industry to the next level, as it will seek to make the world notice the huge potential the technology sector in Malta has to offer as it boasts on the economic performance and financial stability of the island. We acknowledge that data is the new oil, wants to be part of the IOT evolution and be on the forefront of the global digital revolution that we are experiencing.
To encourage human resources and aid growth in the Technology, plans to partner with Education Institutions to position Malta as a vibrant location for tech talent and in turn attract human capital to our shores. Furthermore, is working closely with academic institutions to better understand how the local STEM and IT curricula can be made more attractive to be chosen as the basis for a career in technology. We also need to consider new areas of specialisation revolving around digital & creative technology. is also focusing its energies on engaging the youth community. Youths are major stakeholders who are constantly using digital technology thus, encouraging youth participation in the transformation of the digital economy is crucial.

Simbioza Genesis
Simbioza Genesis, social enterprise, was founded in May 2014. It was a consequence of an organic growth from a project ‘Simbioz@ e-literate Slovenia’, which started in 2011. The project included weeklong computer workshops across Slovenia, where young volunteers teach the elderly (55+) the basics of computer and internet. It connected thousands of people nationwide, and after 6 years of presence, we had more than 70 thousand participants joining Simbioza. A Slovenian project on raising e-literacy level of elder population by young volunteers, this project embraced all individuals, regardless of any characteristic that can encourage discrimination. We promote the right to access the Internet technologies to all citizens, and with that, we strengthen tolerance, respect, trust, solidarity and encourage cultural and lingual diversity.
Founded in 1998, is a Research and Education Institute promoting an efficient and ethical use of the technology, while having a responsible behaviour in the digital environment. institute is dedicated to empower netizenship and training on tools for socio- professional development. It has been leading various projects specifically targeting the elderly, with the most innovative one of all being the Netizen3 project. have since established themselves as experts on the new rising trend of wikis. Wiki is a free open sources software originally for the use of Wikipedia. However, it is now also being used by several other projects such as Netizen3 as part of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation.

Stiftung Digitale Chancen
The goal of Stiftung Digitale Chancen (SDC) is to spark people’s interest on the use of the Internet and to support citizens during their journey into the digital world, to help them maximise its benefits.
Within this focus SDC promotes digital literacy by addressing different underrepresented target groups and helping people learn more about the Internet; support providers of public Internet Access Points in social institutions; address political stakeholders, business and the academia who work on digital inclusion and stimulate public and private efforts to bring the power of communications to under-served communities.

ALL DIGITAL is a pan-European association based in Brussels. It represents more than 60 member organisations that work with 20,000 digital competence centres providing access & training to 2.9 million people in Europe every year. We aim to enable the 43% Europeans without basic digital skills to exploit the opportunities created by digital transformation. Our members are non-profit organisations (ICT community centres, public libraries etc.) in the field of non-formal education providing access to Internet & ICT tools, as well as digital trainings, certification and opportunities for vulnerable people, including elderly people. We support our members by fostering knowledge sharing & collaboration and by representing their interest to the EU.