On the 8th of July (2021) our ambassadors joined us in Grandvaux (in Switzerland) for one more session of our pilot activities in the ICT4theElderly project.  This session served not only as a training moment but also gave us the opportunity to let our ambassadors strengthen their relationships and form a stronger group bond. Participants had the chance to get to know each other better and share their experiences, questions and doubts. This bonding moment is particularly important for the participants who will travel to Malta but also to guarantee a good dissemination of the project results and recommendations in later stages of the project by our ambassadors.

Our main goal with this workshop session was to map our current practices on the use of social networks, word and image processing software, email solutions and cloud data storage, but also our communication and collaboration preferences. Together we discussed good practices related to digital citizenship, collaboration, online communication and communication with bots, among other topics. Through non formal education games and activities we created moments for rich group discussions and to allow participants to test some communication and collaboration tools. 

At the end of the session, we took a moment to discuss and prepare for the international pilot activity in Malta. We explained the details of the trip that will happen at the beginning of September, like travelling and accommodations and the program of the activities. This was also a moment to reflect on the constraints imposed by COVID19 to travel and on the pilot activity in Malta.

In the next weeks we will meet with our ambassadors again to continue the preparations for the international activity in Malta.